Episode 28: “A Collaboration” (Feat. Maggie Tokuda-Hall)

Episode 28: “A Collaboration” (Feat. Maggie Tokuda-Hall)

This week I’m joined by kidlit author Maggie Tokuda-Hall. Maggie shares how illustrators amplified the messages in her picture books, why she worked with women editors for her feminist graphic novel, and what she did with her overedited, totally trunked manuscript. Plus we dive into our objectively perfect #StetPet personalities.

Episode 23: "Invaluable" (Feat. Sarah Nicolas)

Episode 23: "Invaluable" (Feat. Sarah Nicolas)

This week, I’m joined by YA writer and fellow podcaster Sarah Nicolas. You may have also read their romance writing under Aria Kane. Sarah shares tips on how to survive writing an entire draft in 4 weeks, the process they undertake from “I hate this” to “my editor is a genius,” and how they were able to swap services to get editing when they had no budget for it. Plus they kindly correct a common misconception that even I had about Pitch Wars and we go off on a tasty tangent about chocolate.

Episode 18: "The Journey" (Feat. Samantha Hanni)

Episode 18: "The Journey" (Feat. Samantha Hanni)

This week, I’m joined by freelance writer and editor Samantha Hanni. Learn and laugh along with us as we cover serious topics, like whether your editor needs to share the same beliefs as you and how to tell if your message is landing with your readers, and not-so-serious topics, like roller coasters and creative ways to repurpose your edited darlings.

Episode 17: "The Questions I Needed" (Feat. Dahlia Adler)

Episode 17: "The Questions I Needed" (Feat. Dahlia Adler)

Dahlia Adler, author of Cool for the Summer, shares her stories of editing for self-published and traditional works, plus the chaos of editing anthologies. She tells how she found her critique partner BFFs and and how she fits a billion hours of work into each week, somehow squeezing writing and blogging and editing all in while still remaining active and supportive in the writing community.

Episode 15: "It's Your Book After All" (Feat. Farah Rishi)

Episode 15: "It's Your Book After All" (Feat. Farah Rishi)

YA speculative fiction author Farah Naz Rishi talks with me about how she totally cheated to get the best critique partners ever, drew inspiration from her legal background to craft I Hope You Get This Message, and how she uses her other talents to enhance her self-editing. We also talk about how she shaped her diverse cast of characters and the challenges of BIPOC writers working with white editors.